At this time, we do not price match.
Please note, pricing at some Ashley HomeStore locations is unavailable online. Update Postal Code to see if pricing is available in your area.
At this time, we do not price match.
Not all catalog items are available to purchase online. To check availability online, find the item number that corresponds to the catalog product. Enter the number in the search box at the top of any page. Next, click the check price button, if the item is available for purchasing online, simply add it to your cart. If it is only available in-store, you can visit or contact a store about product availability. Click here for Store Locator
Many quality steps are taken to ensure your products arrive to you in excellent condition. It is very important you inspect the purchase upon arrival. If any damage has occurred, call Customer Care at +60 16-288 8450, Monday to Saturday: 9.00am to 6.00pm.
Our return policy is as follows:
In-Home Delivery Items
You have 48 hours after a Home Delivery to report if an item is delivered damaged or defective. Call the phone number on your emailed order confirmation and we will work with you to repair, replace or pick up the item for a return.
Return Requirements
Goods sold-out in return for cash is strictly forbidden. In fact, 30% of the total item value will be charged to the customer who insists to change or return the sold item without any stated cause.
Strictly no returns once the plastic cover is opened.